Smart Classes

"Learning becomes effective when the sensory organs receive practical experience. "

Our Smart Classes are designed to enhance student skill with the use of technology. Students at School get an opportunity to learn faster with the help of our smart classes. Our classrooms are equipped with high quality projector and computer to make our student tech savvy and knowledgeable. With this our students not only save lot of time but also contribute towards environment due to less usage of paper notes.

Smart Class can revolutionise teaching and learning drastically. It provides tools and content for interactive learning system for students as well as teachers.

Smart class did what no one had ever thought of before, bring technology into the classroom. It brought an exhaustive repository of world class digital modules or lessons, (consisting of 2D and 3D animations, graphics, audio and video) on every subject in the K12 spectrum, which the teacher could easily access and project in the classroom that illuminated and explained abstract and difficult concepts with liquid clarity. The result was amazing. Knowledge flourished freed from the centuries old bonds of books and chalk and blackboard. A new light of understanding dawned on young awakened minds. And the classroom became a fascinating place to be in as a new generation of learners saw (instead of just being told and explained) for the first time how things happened. And the teacher smiled as he & she now saw not just one, two or three but a sea of hands go up every time he & she asked a question.

Features of Smartclass

  • Improves teacher effectiveness and productivity in class.
  • It brings abstract and difficult curriculum concepts to life inside classrooms.
  • Makes learning an enjoyable experience for students.
  • Improves academic performance of students.
  • Enables instant formative assessment of learning outcomes in class.
  • It also enables teachers to instantly assess and evaluate the learning achieved by their students in class.
  • Provision of digital content mapped to schools syllabus
  • Pedagogically sound and visually rich curriculum resources.
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