Director's Message

" It is with great honour that I warmly welcome you to our school website as the Director of St. Joseph Public School, Aurangabad, Bihar. "

ST. JOSEPH PUBLIC SCHOOL has, therefore been established for the specific purpose of providing the new generation with an institution which besides giving the children the best education in the field of modern science & technology, commerce and arts. It cares for all round development-physical, mental & spiritual and inculcates in them a deep love for high moral values and deep respect for all religions.

Human nature is to be ambitious. Ambition resides in the heart of hopes. Even the nature teaches us the definition of ambition. A flower desires to bloom and a tree bears fruits. Thus, the term `ambition' is itself hidden in the hopes of nature; and with the change of time and situation, the ambition of nature gets fulfilled. This is just because of its action. Therefore, we humans too, should try to transform the hopes into thoughts and thoughts into actions. As a result, the action bears the fruit of success. Rabindra Nath Tagore says, "Nature is the best teacher of man".

Our aims at developing in its students the best traditions of the composite Indian culture, a high sense of patriotism and a spirit of dedication in their service to the nation. It lays special stress on discipline for, it believes that 'discipline is the rock on which the edifice of education stands'.

" Our teachers play a great role in the society as they prepare good future citizens for the country. They teach us important lessons of the life and develops the confidence in us to fight with any challenges in the life. "


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