Our Computer Lab

The School has computer laboratories with 25 computers in lab accessible to students. It has advanced infrastructure in terms of hardware and software which cater to the requirements of the students, teachers and the curriculum. The school is equipped with a dedicated broadband Internet connection for enterprising students get a chance to be familiar with the Internet. They do comprehensive research for their projects and presentations.

The department has qualified committed teachers to teach different classes at different levels i.e. Primary, Secondary. The faculty members make continuous efforts to see that the students must get expertise in practical implementation of tools they have in their curriculum.

The Information Technology curriculum has been planned in such a way that the students of classes III to VIII will get exposure to various technologies and softwares. In the primary section, the students are trained to use basic softwares like Windows, MS-Office (Ms-Word, MS-Powerpoint, Ms-Excel etc.).

All users must behave in a manner that respects their fellow students, staff and equipment. In addition to the normal Institute regulations, the following points must be obeyed:

  • Computer games are prohibited.
  • Eating and drinking in computer rooms are prohibited.
  • Please operate the equipment with respect and care.
  • Don’t leave rubbish lying around the rooms – use the bins provided. If for some reason, the bin is removed, please bring any discarded papers, bottles, etc, with you. It’s much nicer to work in a clean room than a dirty one!
  • You must inform the supervising lecturer and/or computer services staff of any problems that arise whilst using computer equipment.
  • Software may be installed by Computer Labs staff only. Do not install any software on your own. Files not put on by Computer Labs staff will be routinely removed.
  • A breach of any of the above regulations will constitute a breach of discipline and will be subject to the appropriate disciplinary procedures.
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