Our Library

A library is provided for the students to encourage them to read and update their knowledge. The School has a well maintained library with scores of books on various subjects. Books include language books, fiction and non-fiction books in English, Hindi & Punjabi. Apart from academic books, it constitutes fiction, poetry, novels of various authors and in three languages. New and latest books are added to the library every year. Books are issued weekly. Children are encouraged to read books and periodicals.

The library is the soul of the school. Our libraries in the school which are open to all the students from 8.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m. on all days excluding gazetted holidays.

The School library is a learning resource center in the widest sense as it houses information resources, expansive reading material and digital data with internet access.

Library rules and regulations:

  • All students must come to the library in an orderly manner.
  • Students must maintain silence and discipline in the library.
  • No personal books, bags are permitted inside the library.
  • Eatables or water bottles are not allowed inside.
  • Students must maintain a library notebook to write reviews of the books they read. It is compulsory to bring the library notebook in the library period and a pencil. Any loss or damage to books must be paid for by the borrower.
  • Library cards are given at the beginning of the session and students must return them at the end of the session for clearance.
  • Students are allowed to borrow books on their own cards. Library cards are not transferable.
  • Loss of library cards must be reported immediately.
  • An application by the parents along with a fine of Rs. 30/- must be submitted in the library for the issue of a duplicate card.
  • Books not returned by the specified dates will attract a fine of Rs.20/- per week.
  • Students are not permitted in the library in any period other than the s period except with written permission from the concerned Supervisory Head.
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