• All students should endevour to keep up the high standard and reputation of the school by excelling in fine manners and department.
  • All students are expected to be polite and courteous. They are expected to greet teachers, other member of staff and all the visitors with due respect.
  • The school maintains a Discipline Register. Any breach of discipline on the part of the students will be recorded in the Discipline Register under intimation to the concerned parents. If any student has more than three entries on his/her Discipline record, he/she will be expelled from the school.
  • Every student has to attend classes regularly and punctually; late comers shall not be allowed to attend classes except in justified cases. Name of the students continuously absent for 1 5 days shall be struck off from school rolls. Re-admission should be possible only on payment of Rs. 50/- as re-admission fee with all other dues.
  • Children should maintain personal cleanliness and speak in English within the school premises.
  • Parents cannot take their children out of the school during school hours without permission of the head of the institution.
  • The school is not responsible for books, money and other articles which are lost. It is not advisable to have money or valuable articles with the child.
  • Any kind of damage to the school property will have to be made good. Students should be particularly careful not to throw eatables, papers etc. anywhere in the school premises. Basket and dust-bins especially provided for this purpose should be used. No presents are to be given to teachers.
  • All pupils are responsible to the school authorities for their behaviour in and outside of the school. Any reported or observed objectionable conduct in or out of the school, on the part of the pupils, shall make them liable for disciplinary action.
  • Disrespect and disobedience to superiors, using abusive and obscene words and other habits or behaviour considered by the school authorities as not suitable to a student, will be met with by dismissal.
  • Pupils suffering from contagious or infectious diseases will not be permitted to attend the school.
  • Pupils with irregular attendance, habitual idleness, disobedience or mis conduct are liable to be dismissed .


Parents and guardians are advised to co-operate with the school in maintaining discipline, decorum and help in smooth functioning by observing the following points :-

  • Parents are not allowed to visit classes or interview teachers. They are advised to see the Director/Principal in the office and through him they may meet their ward/subject teacher if needed.
  • They are required to co-operate with the school in its attempt to help their children progress by work. They should check the bags of their wards to see if any notice, invitation etc. has been issued.
  • Please ensure that the ideals & punctuality, cleanliness, gentle- manliness and other aspects of discipline are taken care of at home.
  • You may please provide your child with facilities for morning and evening studies at home when they are there. They must be made to complete their home task regularly.
  • They are required to inform the school if there is any change in their address/ telephone number. Leave for half day should be avoided as far as possible, for security reason.
  • Children when sick, should not be sent to school to attend classes.
  • For any specific medical problem, the parents must inform the school authorities prior to admission.
  • The parent's attention is drawn to the fact that criticism of a teacher of the school in the presence of a child may cause the child to lose his/her respect for the teacher and will retard his/her progress.
  • Any communication made by the parents should be addressed to the Principal.
  • Parents should sign the 'Progress Report Card' and return it to the school within three days. If this report is lost, a replacement will be made only after payment.
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