Our Science Lab

Highly sophisticated and fully equipped Physics, Chemistry and Biology labs provide an open environment for students to experiment and do research work. All these labs are provided with lecture/seminar area too. The three divisions of the science department ensure that students do real experiments. Our science labs are not just a rich storehouse of costly equipments and the latest gadgets on display.

They are workshops of practical experiment going far beyond the limits of prescribed syllabus. The teachers at the physics, chemistry and biology labs challenge them with exciting projects, giving them a strenuous time clashing with known principles and existing data. This is a place where the divine curiosity of students is at work.

  • Do not enter a laboratory without permission.
  • Never enter a prep room without permission.
  • Do not bring bags into the lab.
  • Do not play with electrical sockets, gas taps and water taps.
  • You must not touch or do anything with equipment or materials without permission.
  • You must obey instructions from your teacher - if you are unsure ask.
  • You must wear safety glasses when told to do so.
  • Hair, scarves, ties etc are tied back or tucked in when using Bunsens.
  • Stand in front of your stool when using Bunsens or otherwise instructed.
  • Behave sensibly at all times.
  • Handle bottles carefully and always replace the tops when not in use.
  • Never eat in the laboratory. Only drink if your teacher gives you permission.
  • Wash your hands after handling chemicals.
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